Thursday, June 2, 2011

chocalate on a cloudy day

The oddest, yet, the most common thing happened to me yesterday. After receiving news about a death in the family, all I could think about was chocolate; the instant thought made me calm. I thought back to my first class session on Tuesday and how the class discussed the purpose for eating but more importantly, the purpose of food. Comfort was its purpose yesterday. Come to think about it, I have used food for comfort since my teenage years. When I was younger, I was a picky eater and the only piece of food that could reach my mouth were chips, candy, everything that isn't considered healthy nutrition. The older I became, the more my eating patterns altered. I believe it was due to the constant moving I did while my father was in the military; and, every coast of the U.S. offer different types of food that I had to adapt to.

I do wonder, however, what does that say about me? The cliche, " you are what you eat" does render a true message behind it, for instance, if I wasn't cautious about what I ate does that consider me a "free spirit" type. Honestly, after taking my ENG 357 course, Textual Consumptions that involves the perception of food, I will have a different outlook on food. Recently found out that food does more for the body and contributes to societal values, but regardless of its effects, I'm content with just my chocolate. Ok...add some steaks, mash potatoes with butter, than I'm content. And yes, I am hungry and could go for that meal right now.

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